Swedish And Pinoy/Pinay (Pilipino Citizen) ( Boy/GirlFriend, Fiancee,Spouse Married)
I think is little harder to get boy/girlfriend and fiancee Visa. but if you are Married to Swedish citizen, Immigration of Sweden will grand your visa application faster. and more if you are pregnant to your husband, you just need Medical Certificate. but if you have own child before you married, you need to get a lots papers for you child like DSWD travel clearance, Birth Certificate etc.
Hazel and difficult if you are planning to marry in Sweden. so many things you need before you get married in Sweden. My husband want to Marry in Sweden, but I explain to him all things I need before I travel in other Country. First of All Money savings or Credit Cards.. (if you have that good) if you are working you need working certificate or proft for payment. Passport, if you don't have you need to get ( DFA) NSO-Birth Certicate and Cenomar, if you are divorce you need divorce papers, widow papers, ID (Anytype of ID not older 6months ). Invitation letter, Authorize sponsorship letter.Passport and birth certificate of your partner. his bank saving , marriage licence, where is he working, his house type etc. and BI.
so difficult its like Big Pimples in your nose. but if you and your partner willing to do this well keep a good work.
The Groom and Bride |
For Someone want to Marry in Philippines
For Pinoy/Pinay- NSO - Birth Certifcaite, Cenomars,Passport ( if you don't have you need ID not older 6months).
For Swedish- BirthCertificate, Marriage Contract License in English/ Swedish,Passport. (if divorce get divorce certifcate.)
Before you get Marry to need to visit Sweden Consulate in Manila Book a Appointment to by Email.✉ inquiry@swedconmanila.com
if your living in Cebu Visit SwedConsulatesCebu-Philippines
✉ Email: swedconcebu@gmail.com
Take note : Photocopy All Document for your own copy
When you Finally Visit Sweden Consulate and get Marry licence and registered. now you need to get Marriage Licence in Municipal in your place. The licence is working 10 days before you get Married.
Planning a wedding can be both exciting and exhausting at the same time. After setting the date and booking the venues for the ceremony and reception, comes the legal matter: the required documents to make the union possible and valid. A couple of legal age who wish to marry should first secure a license to get married. Then, there are other documents needed to complete the set of requirements and they vary for every religion, nationality, and status of each individual.
To guide you in obtaining the legal documents needed, here is a list of the more common requirements needed in a Philippine Catholic wedding:
Marriage License – 4 months validity (for civilly married couples, submit registered marriage contract)
Baptismal Certificate – with annotation “For Marriage Purposes”; 6 months validity
Confirmation Certificate – with annotation “For Marriage Purposes”; 6 months validity
Publication of Wedding Bans for 3 consecutive Sundays in the parish of the bride and groom and permission from the parish of the bride.
Catholic seminar
Canonical interview
List of principal sponsors (to be given to the parish, where you are getting married).
To secure a Marriage License, below is a list needed to accomplish the document:
NSO – certified birth certificate (Read) registrationapplicationmarriagelicense
CENOMAR – Certificate of No Marriage, also certified by NSO.
Parental Consent for couples aged 18 to 21 or Parental Advice for those 22 to 25 years old.
Passport sized picture
Residence certificate
Seminar – conducted by the Division of Maternal and Child Health at the Municipal/City Hall.
Duly accomplished Application Form
Click & Read ( Marriage to Foriegner )
after you done all Requirements make you sure you have own copy because you need that for your Visa if you planning to move in Sweden. and now you can plan your wedding day!