
Offloaded Conversation

The Officer at the Airport put me offload Terminal 3

After I payed Travel Taxes : 1, 620 Php- 550PhP Check- philippine-travel-tax

My flight is 6 am so I must say no much people in line.
(The Officer Talking Like Irritated and No name tag)

Mr Officer :  Passport , Saan ka pupunta? (Where are you going to travel?)
Me : Sa Thailand Bangkok
Mr Officer : Akin na yung ticket mo! ( let me see your ticket!)
Me: I give my ticket ( Cebu Pacific) 
(While he checking my ticket ( I checked him he don't have name tag or ID nor all staff there)

(Officer looking at me and discriminate me)
Mr Officer : Ang gulo gulo ang buhok mo, bakit ganyan itsura mo!? ( in short English, why you look Ugly!?
I think he mean why I am not look like socialite and rich but I can travel in other country.)
 In my mind ( 1,2,3 calm I need to be calm seriously? wow what the heck you want to brush my hair ? this is beauty Parlor .
I understand the law of BI- Human Trafficking not but discrimination. I think you not Protecting for Human trafficking you just discriminate me.
Me: Pinusod ko kasi mainit..(oh I just ponytail my hair because is hot ( because is summer) and I don't look at the mirror or go to bathroom ) and I feel thirsty)
Mr Officer: Oh thirsty bakit di ka Uminom!? bakit kasi ganyan itsura mo? why you don't drink why your face like that) 
He take me a picture by the webcam I know because I used computer too
Me: (in my mind please be calm , girl be calm oh really? yes I know I am not too beautiful but I am not criminal)
:he give me a paper ( offloading Papers) and told me Pumunta ka dun sa table ( offloading table)
meron kakausap sayo dun. Go there at the table someone going to talk with you.
Me: I try to read what on the papers and he see me reading it and looks like he is afraid that check and reading it and say Pumunta ka dun sa table at tinuturo. he said go to table and pointing where.
So I go in the office table or offloading desk and ask me to sign all thing there, My name,address, flight etc.
So while I am signing One lady officer ask me to go her table ( she just finish to interview One man he got offload too)
so I  move her table and talk with her. ( she look like familiar or I just thinking Deniece Conejo look a like) 
So she interviewing me like Job Hiring ( well I took up English Proficiency or call center agent)
so while I am signing the papers she interviewing me

Lady Officer: Saan ka pupunta ( where are you going ?)
Me: Thailand Bangkok
Lady Officer: Bakit ka Pupunta dun? why are you going there?
Me: To do my Biometric in Sweden Embassy in Bangkok
Lady Officer: Biometric? ( looks like she don't know what is Biometric)
Sometimes I stop Writing and Look her eyes ( I do that everytime when she asking me a Question) and sometimes I speak English
Me: Biometric - taking a picture, finger printing. parang passport (same like Passport Process)
Lady Officer: may papers ka ) do you have a papers ( papers the prove that I have reason to travel)
Me: Oo yes I give her the Immigration letter from Sweden that I have to do Biometric at bangkok
Lady Officer: May English copy ka ba kasi hindi ko maintindihan 
Me: No I don't have because that is original Copy but if you want I have Email from them
So because I am tired and I can't see the email from Migration so she ask me 
Lady Officer: Akin na ako na maghahanap tapusin mo na yun sinusulat mo. give it to me I will find for you and finish what you doing. I was  not giving all but she holding the papers harder . like child I borrow to her my  barbie doll but she don't want to give me back. so  I'll  let it be
But she just looking the paper and not checking.
Lady Officer: Bakit gagawin mo yung biometric dun sa thailand? why are you doing biometric in bangkok.?
Me: for my permanent residence visa card. kasi wala silang Embassy dito Consul lang  they don't have Embassy here only Consul
Lady officer looks like reading my documents paper but she doesn't really reading it
Me: kahit tiga China kailangan magpunta dun para gawin yung Biometric. Even Chinese People are need to go in bangkok to do biometric.
Lady officer look surprised because she don't know ( oh well girl I am prepared) so she keep busy pretending she reading my document.
Lady Officer: bakit ka naman pupunta sa Sweden? Sino pupuntahan mo dun? why are you going to Sweden who is going to visit?
Me: Well I am married to Swedish and I need to move his country
Lady Officer look surprise ( because she doesn't read all document papers I give to her)
Me : Check mo yun mga document I have there Marriage Contract papers.
(so lady officer checked yeah she reading it and checked)
Lady Officer: ah Married ka pala sa Foreigner
Me: yes his Name__
So lady Officer Keep reading it. I have mistakes to writing a Money saving to ticket price so I checked My saving banks.

lady Officer : Magkano pera mo? how much your money?
Me: 600 Dollars
Lady Officer: Pinapadalhan ka ba niya ng pera? He sending you a money?
Me: yes
Lady Officer: Magkano
Me: Sometimes 30, 20, 10, thousands a Months
Lady Officer: saan ka nila pinapadalhan
Me: Western Union
Lady Officer: meron ka bang receipt?
Me: yes and ( I give it her  all Copy)
she also she see I have bank book savings, she ask me she wanted to check it. So I give it to her. So I see her eyes shining that she see my savings and she start really reading my Document she also ask if she can have a copy ( I have printing copy all document. I told her just get the the copy not the original.) she also surprise that I only have one night to stay in Bangkok. (well Miss because you doesn't read it)
I finish signing the papers they give to me so she start writing too and ask.

Lady Officer: kailan kayo kinasal
Me: Jan 23 2014
Lady Officer: May Picture ka kasama siya?
Me: yes so I give her all picture.
so checked that picture and ask she will get 2 copies ( Wedding Picture and Beach in Aurora Baler) so she ask about Methodist wedding tradition. well its same as like catholic.
Lady Officer: Sa Simbahan ba kayo kinasal
Me: No its a Garden Wedding
So she writing down on paper and get some copy of my document like marriage papers and my passport.and she chose western union receipt
and she say wait lang ha.. so she go at other office and I think that is Main Office and maybe she ask of sign of real Manager or supervisor. she a minute she go back to table and she told me
Lady Officer: Pumirma ka dito para di ka mablack listed sa Immigration. tapos pumunta ka ulit dun sa pila tapos bigay mo itong papers.so I sign it.
so I go in line and give the papers. I have no time to checked the papers because the Counter is free. and I said thank you.

The officer give me a stamp to travel . I Texted my husband that Immigration let me travel because I told him before maybe the Immigration not let me travel.

So I am happy and One thing I still nervous because I have to do Biometric in bangkok and still thinking what I am gonna do..

So this my experience in Immigration.
Some help Tips this site - thepoortraveleroffloaded-philippine